The management and staff of Rennies Ships Agency (Pty) Ltd believe that to achieve our goals of becoming the premier ships agency company in South Africa, we must lead not only economically, but environmentally and socially as well. The company understands that it is in a prominent position to affect the environment of South Africa. Our objective is not only to sustain our environment for our descendants but also to rehabilitate the damage previously done.
We believe that our corporate responsibility goes beyond our proprietary borders and we endeavour to co-operate with our neighbours and our suppliers to develop our business in a sustainable manner. Every effort will be made to conserve resources through our operations. Our success will be determined on a yearly basis with a commitment to improve. Furthermore the company will not only meet existing environmental laws and regulations but go beyond the status quo and seek techniques and approaches that position us ahead of our competition.
Our policy toward the environment will be readily available and promoted to our business partners. Growth of our company depends on our ability to minimize our impact on our surroundings. Our ultimate success depends on the environment of South Africa, without environmentally sustainable harbours and surroundings; our customers may cease to have their ships call at our ports. Our company’s future and the future of our environment are interconnected.
To this end Rennies Ships Agency is committed to the following principles:
Rennies Ships Agency shall operate its facilities in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations in a way that is protective of the health and safety of its employees and the surrounding communities and environment.
Rennies Ships Agency will strive to be a leader in the ships agency industry in improving environmental quality by minimising waste and emissions, reusing and recycling, reducing the use of natural resources and promoting pollution prevention efforts throughout the company.
Rennies Ships Agency shall review its facilities and programs on a regular basis and shall establish goals for continuous improvements in the environmental arena.
Rennies Ships Agency shall encourage the integration of environmental considerations into business planning and decisions.
Rennies Ships Agency shall promote a workplace in which all employees are properly trained to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations and procedures, to meet environmental goals and to take personal responsibility for protecting the environment.
Rennies Ships Agency will work with its customers in ascertaining and meeting their environmental needs and goals consistent with Rennies Ships Agency’s environmental compliance and management programs.
Rennies Ships Agency will promote sound environmental practices and principles with suppliers and subcontractors.
Rennies Ships Agency encourages employees to make suggestions to improve our environmental management system. Suggestions for improvement will be evaluated and implemented as appropriate.
Management at all levels are responsible for ensuring that this policy is adhered to by all employees and subcontractors.